The 7th Annual Saint Mary Golf Outing will be held at Brookside Country Club on Monday, June 14, 2021. Tap on the photo to become a sponsor or to register as a golfer. Open to the first 100 golfers. Make your reservations early!
This year we are launching a Mardi Gras Lucky Lottery Derby, the 2nd of our 3 fundraisers. It will have the same theme as our Mardi Gras Night at the Races but will have a new look, a new game and be just as fun! The Lucky Lottery Derby is a Lottery Calendar which gives each participant a chance to win cash or merchandise every day! The game begins on Mardi Gras, Tuesday, February 16, 2021, and runs through December 31, 2021. That means there are 319 chances to win & over $20,000 in cash & prizes! Click the link above to view the instructional video about the Derby!